The Ultimate Guide to Clearing Herbs: What to Burn & When to Use It
Welcome to the ultimate guide to clearing herbs! Just like healing crystals, different herbs possess unique energies and benefits. Whether you’re new to using clearing herbs or looking to expand your knowledge, this guide will help you understand which herbs to burn and when to use them. We’ll explore popular herbs like copal, dragon’s blood, frankincense, palo santo, rose, rosemary, and white sage. Additionally, we’ll provide instructions for powerful herbal combinations to cleanse and uplift your energy. Get ready to create a harmonious and purified environment with these wonderful clearing herbs!
When to use it: When you want to uplift your space with positive energy.
Why to use it: Copal is a sacred tool that brings peace, positive energy, and high vibrations to your spirit and surroundings. It purifies any lower energies and replaces them with fresh, rejuvenating energy. This is the perfect choice to revitalize your home or yourself.
Dragon’s Blood (also called Red Sage)
When to use it: When you’re dealing with toxic and negative energy in your environment.
Why to use it: Dragon’s Blood is a natural resin applied to dried sage, giving it a red color and incredibly strong energy. This powerful tool cuts through dense and heavy energies, raising your vibration and leaving you and your space feeling lighter and more positive.
When to use it: When you want protection for yourself and your home.
Why to use it: Frankincense both purifies and shields your energy and environment. It removes negative energy and emits a sweet aroma that elevates your state of being. By raising the vibration of your space and personal energy, frankincense helps to keep away bad vibes and unwanted energies.
Palo Santo
When to use it: After an energy clearing session or when you want to uplift your energy and surroundings.
Why to use it: Palo Santo, meaning “holy wood” in Spanish, is a popular energy tool that attracts blessings and positive energy. It adds an extra layer of good vibes to seal your energy or the energy of your home after clearing out unwanted energy. Its high vibrational and healing energy is perfect for uplifting your spirit and space.
When to use it: When you want to create a warm and loving environment for romance, family time, or self-care. Also, when you want to infuse your energy field with love.
Why to use it: Dried rose petals bring in loving vibrations and offer a soft and gentle energy. When combined with white sage, the rose petals add an extra energy of love to the cleansing session, filling your mind, body, spirit, and space with the highest vibrations of love.
When to use it: When you feel your energy or space is foggy or stuffy.
Why to use it: Rosemary not only has a refreshing scent but also provides calming and clarity-enhancing properties. When used with sage, Rosemary helps to purify and cleanse on a deeper level, leaving you and your environment feeling pure and light.
White Sage
When to use it: As part of your regular space clearing practice, before rituals, meditation, energy healing, or after an illness.
Why to use it: Sage is the go-to tool for energy clearing due to its powerful properties. It effectively removes negative or stagnant energy, purifying your energy and environment. Sage can be used alone or combined with other clearing herbs. It is especially useful before crystal rituals, meditations, or any spiritual practice. Additionally, white sage has anti-microbial properties, making it recommended for clearing the air after an illness.
Herbal Combos
Herbal Combo #1
When to use it: To cleanse and uplift your energy while sealing in positive vibes.
- Sprinkle palo santo chips and loose white sage into a fireproof dish or bowl.
- Place a charcoal round in the bowl and light it until you see flickering embers and sparks.
- Sprinkle copal resin on top of the charcoal round and allow it to melt.
Herbal Combo #2
When to use it: For intense and heavy-duty cleansing.
- Sprinkle loose white sage into a fireproof dish or bowl.
- Place 1-2 charcoal rounds in the bowl and light them until you see flickering embers and sparks.
- Sprinkle copal resin, dragon’s blood resin, and frankincense resin on top of the charcoal rounds and allow them to melt.
Herbal Combo #3
When to use it: For a clearing and purifying ritual for yourself and your environment.
- Sprinkle loose white sage into a fireproof dish or bowl.
- Place a charcoal round in the bowl and light it until you see flickering embers and sparks.
- Sprinkle copal resin and frankincense resin on top of the charcoal round and allow them to melt.